Being a pet owner means having significant responsibilities to care for your best friend. Getting your dog spayed or neutered is among the most important ways to protect your pet, as it can help you prevent common diseases while even helping your dog live longer. However, if you’re a new pet owner, then you might be wondering: when should you start looking for spay and neuter in Rio Rancho services for your pet? Let’s break down a few ways to tell if it’s time to take your best bud to the vet.
When Should You Get Your Rio Rancho Dog Spayed or Neutered?
In general, you should get your dog spayed or neutered in Rio Rancho between the ages of six and eighteen months old. Having your pet undergo the procedure too early has been shown to have some unwelcome side effects like orthopedic problems later in life. Meanwhile, you can maximize the benefits for your dog by having them undergo the procedure when they’re a little more mature. However, the exact timeline differs depending on whether your dog is male or female.
When Should You Spay Your Female Dog?
Depending on size, your female dog should get spayed after they are six months old. In general, female dogs should be sterilized after becoming mature but before having their first heat. This means that small dogs can typically be spayed as early as six months old, while larger dogs may need to wait a little longer until they are about 9 or 10 months old.
When Should You Neuter Your Male Dog?
Male dogs should be neutered as soon as six months or as late as eighteen months old. Small lap dogs can be sterilized before they turn one year old because they tend not to suffer orthopedic issues as much as larger dogs. Meanwhile, big dogs should be neutered later in life, around nine to eighteen months of age, to minimize their health risk.
Get Started With Our Expert Veterinarians in Rio Rancho
We understand that pet owners want the very best for their companions. Coronado Pet Hospital is the modern animal clinic Rio Rancho pet owners trust. Contact us at (505) 771-3311 to make an appointment!